AIESEC in Russia
About AIESEC in Russia
  • 33 years of history
    AIESEC in USSR was founded in 1989. Since then the organisation has lived through a lot of changes, but AIESEC in Russia is still working on the future of young people
  • 400+ members of organisation
    They are Team Members, Progect Managers, Vice-Presidents and Presidents of LCs, MC members, VAM and NSTs. All of them are leaders who change other people's lives providing them leadership experience through exchanges
  • 11 Local Committees
    And they are based in 10 cities: Voronezh, Kazan, Ufa, Perm, Ekaterinburg, Tyumen, Rostov on Don, St. Petersburg (there are 2 LCs: SPUEF and Engec-Guap) and Moscow (also 2 LCs: Moscow and REU)
  • 100+ participants on Russian Volunteer projects per year
    It's russian youth who lived through a challenging experience and opened up Russia for themselves. We are storymarkers who are leading Russian youth

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